Audiosaurus supply Dynaudio Professional LYD 48 studio monitors

by | 27 Jun 2018 | Broadcast

Audiosaurus supply Dynaudio Professional LYD 48 studio monitorsDarren Verwey, an independent artist from Johannesburg, South Africa has invested in a pair of Dynaudio Professional LYD 48 active 3-way stereo reference monitor speakers for his studio.

After a lot of hard work to get his studio up to a professional standard, and with intensive research, he decided that the Dynaudio Pro LYD 48s would be the perfect fit for his labour of love.

Says Darren “The improvement on my previous studio monitors is pretty dramatic in the detail. The compact 3 way monitors allow me to go way down to 28Hz in the room. They perform just as well as monitors that would normally cost a lot more.”

As a musician himself Darren has found the Dynaudios are particularly pleasing to work with when making and mixing music.

The Dynaudio LYD 48s were purchased via Audiosaurus. For more information on these phenomenal studio monitors please visit