The Cape Town International Jazz Festival

by | 2 Jun 2016 | Live Sound

The first weekend of April saw Cape Town hosting the 17th annual Cape Town International Jazz Festival. Prosound were there setting up the brand new Meyer Leopard, the latest addition to the Leo line array family, at the Rosies stage. After hearing the first demo of the system at the Teatro Monte Casino, Aki Khan of Eastern Acoustics, the supplier for Rosies, suggested that Prosound send the system down to Cape Town to showcase the Leopard in a working environment at a internationally recognised high profile event.

Rosies is hosted in auditorium 1 of the CTICC, a stage which sees some of the more refined acts hosted in an elegant controlled environment, perfect to listen to the fidelity, presence and linearity of this remarkable system. The Eastern Accoustics crew were a pleasure to work with and all commented favourably on the system performance and ease of installation.

Resident and visiting engineers using the system for the first time all reacted to the absolute clarity and performance of the boxes that resulted in smooth even coverage of the venue with what was in reality a relatively compact system.

“The Leopard is forcing even experienced line array users to reevaluate their expectations and I for one will struggle to go back to my previous regularly specified systems”, commented Mark Malherbe, Technical Director of Prosound.

As a follow up to the Johannesburg Leopard Launch, Prosound will be releasing dates shortly for similar demonstrations in both Cape town and Durban. Interested parties are encouraged to contact Prosound to ensure that their names are included on the invite lists.

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